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How can you use an underwater robot to track sharks? Does nitrogen fertilization affect which nitrogen-fixing bacteria can colonize Lotus? Do chemicals produced by non-native grasses inhibit colonization of California Sagebrush by beneficial fungi? Do ant species differ among coastal sage scrub, non-native grasslands, and suburban settings? How did the Foothill Fire affect mycorrhizae and recovery of native and non-native plants? If you are curious about the answers to any of these questions, just check out the recent BFS theses and publications that we’ve posted on the BFS website! They are listed below with links to abstracts and to full text, if it’s available online.

As a bonus, we’ve also posted abstracts for four older theses that have just come to our attention, including two studies of pHake Lake from the earliest years of its existence! If you’d like to look at these theses, please contact BFS Director Wallace (Marty) Meyer.

If you know of any publications or theses that we’ve missed, please let us know! We are also collecting reports and presentations on work done at the BFS, so if you have any of those, please pass them along!


  • Regus, J. U., K. A. Gano, A. C. Hollowell, and J. L. Sachs. 2014. Efficiency of partner choice and sanctions in Lotus is not altered by nitrogen fertilization. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281: 20132587. Abstract | PDF
  • Shinzaki, D., C. Gage, S. Tang, M. Moline, B. Wolfe, C. G. Lowe, and C. Clark. 2013. A Multi-AUV System for Cooperative Tracking and Following of Leopard Sharks. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA): 4153-4158. Abstract | PDF
  • Lin, Y., H. Kastein, T. Peterson, C. White, C. Clark, and C. Lowe. 2013. Using Time of Flight Distance Calculations for Tagged Shark Localization With an AUV. 2013 IEEE Proc. of the Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology Conference (UUST 2013): in press.


  • Pellitier, Peter (2014) Fire and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Grass Invaded and Intact Coastal Sage Scrub. Bachelor of Arts, Pomona College, Biology. Advisor: Frances Hanzawa. Abstract
  • Egelhoff, Rose (2014) Chemical weapons? The effect of allelochemicals from the invasive grass Vulpia myuros on fungal colonization of Artemisia californica. Bachelor of Arts, Pomona College, Biology. Advisor: Frances Hanzawa. Abstract
  • Von Schaumburg, Dana Marie (2014) A Study of Post-Fire Recovery in Invaded Coastal Sage Scrub at the Bernard Field Station. Bachelor of Arts, Scripps College, Environmental Analysis. Advisor: Diane Thomson, Keck Science Department. Abstract
  • Staubus, Weston (2014) Comparison of ant communities in coastal sage scrub, non-native grassland, and adjacent suburban habitats in Los Angeles County: Conservation implications. Bachelor of Arts, Pomona College, Biology. Advisor: Wallace Meyer. Abstract
  • Ng, Lina (2006) The Effects of Invasive Competition and Seed Limitation of the Restoration of Native California Forbs. Advisor: Diane Thomson. Abstract
  • Covington, Sarah (2002) The Effects of Sugar on the Foraging Activity of the Invasive Argentine Ant (Linepithema humile). Advisor: Cheryl Baudini. Abstract
  • Cottrell, David (1981) Nitrogen and Phosphorous as Limiting Factors for the Growth of Bernard Field Station Lake Phytoplankton Species in Continuous Culture. Advisor: Larry Oglesby. Abstract
  • Spencer, Roger W. II (1981) A Study of Zooplankton Populations in Relation to Microhabitat Differences in the Bernard Field Station Lake. Advisor: Larry Oglesby. Abstract

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