- (Cynthia Li ’23, Katiana Wieser ’24)
J. C. Osborn, C. Li, and K. Wieser. Asterism: Operational Logics as a Game Engines Engine. In Workshop on Programming Languages in Interactive Entertainment, 2021.
- (Nathan Dailey ’23, Lucky Lim ’23) Best paper
J. C. Osborn, A. Summerville, N. Dailey, and L. Lim. MappyLand: Fast, Accurate Mapping for Console Games. In Artificial Intelligence and Digital Entertainment Conference, 2021.
- (Chanha Kim ’22, Jaden Kim ’22)
C. Kim, J. Kim, and J. C. Osborn. Synthesizing retro game screenshot datasets for sprite detection. In Workshop on Experimental AI in Games, 2020.
- (Gerard Bentley ’20)
A. Sarkar, A. Summerville, S. Snodgrass, G. Bentley, and J. C. Osborn. Exploring level blending across platformers via paths and affordances. In Artificial Intelligence and Digital Entertainment Conference, 2020.
- (Gerard Bentley ’20)
G. Bentley and J. C. Osborn. The videogame affordances corpus. In Workshop on Experimental AI in Games, 2019.