% halo properties CC 9.0 % halo concentration V200 116.0 % circular velocity v_200 (in km/sec) LAMBDA 0.05 % spin parameter % mass fractions MD 0.05425751 % disk mass fraction MB 0.001782 % bulge mass fraction MBH 0.00001 % black hole mass fraction. If zero, no black % hole is generated, otherwise one at the centre % is added. % particle numbers N_HALO 1762052 % desired number of particles in dark halo N_DISK 1788203 % desired number of collisionless particles in disk N_GAS 570902 % number of gas particles in disk N_BULGE 272205 % number of bulge particles Softening 0.1 % soften force on small scales % disc structural properties GasFraction 0.4044477 % relative content of gas in the disk, the rest is stars JD 0.035 #386942 % disk spin fraction, typically chosen equal to MD (XXX how % is this divided among the stars and gas?) DiskHeight 0.2 % thickness of stellar disk in units of radial scale length RadialDispersionFactor 1.0 % radial dispersion in units of the vertical MaxGasDiskHeight 5.0 % prevent flaring of outer gas disk GasExpAlpha 3.0 % gas disk scale length multiplicative factor % bulge properties BulgeSize 0.136 % bulge scale length in units of disk scale length HI_GasMassFraction 0.1 % mass of extended, flat HI disk in terms of the total gas mass HI_GasDiskScaleLength 6.0 % scale length of extended gas disk in terms of scale length of the disk % Springel & Hernquist (2003) ISM model parameters MaxSfrTimescale 4.5 % Gas consumption timescale (multi-phase model) FactorSN 0.1 % beta, mass fraction of massive stars (multi-phase model) FactorEVP 3000 % A_0, evaporation parameter (multi-phase model) TempSupernova 3e+08 % T_SN, effective "supernova temperature",sets feedback energy (multi-phase model) TempClouds 1000 % temperature of cold clouds (multi-phase model) FactorForSofterEQS 1.0 % Can be used to make the equation of state % softer. For 1.0, the multiphase model is % used, while for 0.0 isothermal at 10^4 K is % assumed. Intermediate values interpolate % linearly between the two pressures. % Redshift scaling REDSHIFT 0.0 % redshift to scale galaxy properties to Omega_m0 0.3 % Omega_m Omega_L0 0.7 % Omega_L