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banding, etc.

Posted by: amy-briggs | July 14, 2009 | No Comment |

Charlotte and I have  been working hard and getting out to our study site almost every day. We went out banding two days ago, and caught lots of birds, including yellow warblers, robins, and brown thrashers. We also recaptured a male house wren that sabrina banded two years ago (exciting!).  Here are some of the pictures we got from saturday:

Charlotte with a female american robin.

Charlotte with a female american robin.

Charlotte getting a kingbird out of the net.

Charlotte getting a kingbird out of the net.

Angry kingbird! We finally got a picture of the orange!

Angry kingbird! We finally got a picture of the orange!

Me with a yellow warbler.

Me with a yellow warbler. These guys have been pretty quiet for a while, but they're starting to be active and territorial again. We think it is because they are about to start their second round of breeding.

Filed under: Prairie

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