Invitation to Apply: Linguistics Mentor Spring 2021


The Linguistics faculty welcome students to apply to be Linguistics Mentors in Spring 2021. All Mentors assist students in Intro to Linguistics and additional courses including Phonology. Mentors who are eligible to work for the college will be paid $14.00/hour.

What is a Linguistics Mentor? Mentors need to have at least taken LGCS 10 (Intro to Linguistics), and will hold office hours one evening per week. During office hours, Mentors are available to help Intro Ling students learn course material, solve problem sets, study for exams, etc. Mentors work across different LGCS 10 sections, so they should be prepared to apply their linguistics knowledge to problem sets that they may not have personally encountered previously, as the students may be taking Intro from a professor other than who the Mentor studied with.

What to do to apply? Send an email to the department at stating your interest in being a Linguistics Mentor. Please include a single paragraph explaining why you want to be a mentor, and why you think you will be a good mentor. Please also list which additional courses beyond Intro you are comfortable mentoring for (if any).

Applications will be reviewed on Tuesday 1/19, applications are accepted until all positions are filled. If you are a student that receives financial aid, please include this information in your cover letter. Please direct any questions to Elizabeth Contreras (