Latest post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Lots of new research assistant/lab manager jobs are out for those of you graduating/graduated; check out the attached – the new listings can be found near the top of the file, starting with “Posted 3/22/22”.

Post-bac opportunities 3-22-22

For those of you interested in attending or presenting at a cognitive science conference, check out the call below: — Professor Abrams

The UC Berkeley Cognitive Science Student Association asks you to save the date for the Thirteenth Annual California Cognitive Science Conferenceon Saturday, April 16, 2022, held on the UC Berkeley campus in the Hearst Mining Building. This year, the theme is CCSC22: Construing Reality: The Distortions of the Mind. We are excited to explore this topic from the perspectives of Computer Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, Anthropology, and Philosophy.

You can look forward to a weekend of thought-provoking talks, research poster presentations, and networking opportunities. Register here between now and April 1st for free early bird tickets! 

Call for Abstracts 

Application Deadline: March 31st, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST

The California Cognitive Science Conference is an opportunity for researchers, especially undergraduates, to exhibit their original work in the Cognitive Sciences. This year’s conference will take place on April 16th. Poster Presenters at the conference will be able to share their research and receive feedback from professional scientists and our broader conference audience. Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on interest and appeal to a wide audience; scientific and professional merit; clarity; and contribution to knowledge, practices, and policies. As in previous years, we will be awarding a prize to the top poster, as selected by a popular vote by our attendees. 

Submit your 300 word or less abstract here by March 31st to be considered

You will be notified about the status of your submission no later than April 10th, 2022. If your submission is accepted, you will be able to showcase your research at Conference.

You can find more information at Please extend this invitation to friends, students, and colleagues.