Talk: “Individual Differences in Syntactic Processing”

Hello, Linguistics & Cognitive Science!

Join us for the first LGCS guest talk of the spring, Tuesday, February 9th, 4:15 p.m. (California time) on Zoom,

Professor Ariel James will share her work in cognition of language. Flyer below and attached. Hope to see you on Zoom!


Robin Melnick
Asst. Professor, Linguistics & Cognitive Science
Pomona College

Grad school and post-bac opportunities 1/15/21

Happy January, everyone!  Hope your last remaining days of break are rejuvenating and that you are ready for a new semester.

Here are the latest opportunities I’ve come across.  I’ve removed ones that had clear deadlines which had passed, but there may be others that have expired if they didn’t list a deadline (you’ll have to check out their application websites).

It’s never too early to ask your letter writers about letters of recommendation, so if you are thinking about applying for any of these, make sure to line up your letter writers now.

Professor Abrams

Interview an LGCS Alum!

LGCS students,

Are you interested in becoming more involved with the LGCS department? If so, we have an opportunity for you!

LGCS Career Pathways: Interview an Alum!

Are you interested in interviewing alumni and getting a more personal look at the career options in the Ling+Cog Sci fields?

Perks include:

  • Connecting with LGCS alumni
  • Low time commitment
  • Stay involved while we’re remote
  • Receive a $30 gift card

Join the wider network of our department and signup today to be a part of this project! To get started, email me at:

