Invitation to Apply: Linguistics Mentor Spring 2021


The Linguistics faculty welcome students to apply to be Linguistics Mentors in Spring 2021. All Mentors assist students in Intro to Linguistics and additional courses including Phonology. Mentors who are eligible to work for the college will be paid $14.00/hour.

What is a Linguistics Mentor? Mentors need to have at least taken LGCS 10 (Intro to Linguistics), and will hold office hours one evening per week. During office hours, Mentors are available to help Intro Ling students learn course material, solve problem sets, study for exams, etc. Mentors work across different LGCS 10 sections, so they should be prepared to apply their linguistics knowledge to problem sets that they may not have personally encountered previously, as the students may be taking Intro from a professor other than who the Mentor studied with.

What to do to apply? Send an email to the department at stating your interest in being a Linguistics Mentor. Please include a single paragraph explaining why you want to be a mentor, and why you think you will be a good mentor. Please also list which additional courses beyond Intro you are comfortable mentoring for (if any).

Applications will be reviewed on Tuesday 1/19, applications are accepted until all positions are filled. If you are a student that receives financial aid, please include this information in your cover letter. Please direct any questions to Elizabeth Contreras (

Scholarships to attend the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America

Happy winter break!

The Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science is excited to announce a limited number of scholarships to attend the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, which will be held virtually from Jan 7-10, 2021.

If you would like to be considered for a scholarship, please submit a (roughly) 2-paragraph application via email to both and In your application, please explain which talks/sessions you are interested in attending, and why (online schedule is available here). The application is not meant to be long and involved, but we would like you to have looked at the schedule and be able to explain to us what interests you at the conference.

Our first due date is Friday, Dec. 18th. All applications that are submitted by that date will be considered. If funds remain available, we will consider applications right up until the date of the conference.

Let me know if you have questions!


Michael Diercks
Chair, Linguistics and Cognitive Science


Info from LSA below:

Winter presentation workshop opportunity

Are you interested in a fun way to interact with your fellows while giving your brain a little stretch before school starts? This January you have the opportunity to build incredibly useful and marketable skills that will give you a leg up in any field you choose to pursue.
Every person looking to hire someone, no matter the field, is looking for the same quality. That quality, more than any technical skill, is the ability to convey complex information in an understandable way. 
As we have an unusually long break this winter, one great way to use a bit of that time is to flex those communication muscles and create compelling, bite-sized presentations that are powerful enough that they can reach anyone who wants to learn.
For six days in January (13th-15th & 18th-20th), the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science invites you to a workshop where we’ll start with developing a linguistics/cognitive science topic of your choice and ending up with a polished filmed 5-minute long presentation that demonstrates your communication mastery. At the end of the workshop, there will be prizes available for workshop participants for your video creation. 
For now, just indicate on this very short google form your interest in either participating or hearing about such a thing.


Glad winter tidings!
Dr. Galia Bar-Sever
Visiting Assistant Professor
Dept. of Linguistics & Cognitive Science
Pomona College