Latest summer and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Attached are the latest lists of opportunities I’ve compiled; the new listings can be found near the top of the file, starting with “Posted 2/7/22”.  I’ve also attached an additional file that I get sent periodically with compiled listings, so make sure to check out all of these files if interested.

Post-bac opportunities 2-7-22

Summer opportunities 2-7-22


Also, if any of you are come across opportunities that I haven’t found, please let me know so that I can share them with everyone!

Professor Abrams


Latest summer and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Attached are the latest lists of opportunities I’ve compiled; the new listings can be found near the top of the file, starting with “Posted 1/31/22”

Summer opportunities 1-31-22

Post-bac opportunities 1-31-22

Also, if you are thinking about a PhD in Linguistics, this summer workshop at the University of Michigan (see below) might be of interest: — Professor Abrams

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