LGCS Trivia Night

Join the LGCS Liaisons for a Trivia Night on Thursday, September 23 in Edmunds 101 from 4:30-6 PM! Expect both general trivia and department trivia– there will be prizes! Reach out to either Bella (brpa2020@mymail.pomona.edu) or Emily (eema2018@mymail.pomona.edu) with any questions.

Opportunities 6/9/21

Hi all,

Hope you are having a wonderful summer so far!  I’m getting an eclectic set of opportunities these days, some for current students and some for post-bacs, so I’m just putting them together in the attached doc.  Also take a look at the attached email, which has a bunch of other things in addition.

Various Opportunities 6-9-21

Professor Abrams