Latest summer and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Attached are the latest lists of opportunities I’ve compiled; the new listings can be found near the top of the file, starting with “Posted 3/9/22”.   I’ve also attached an additional newsletter that I get sent periodically with compiled listings from a different place, so make sure to check out all of these files if interested.

With respect to a local job opportunity for Pomona students, the Writing Center is now hiring Writing Partners and Speaking Partners for 2022-2023, applications due Friday, March 18, 2022. The Writing Center offers stable, rewarding, intellectually challenging work and they support all of their student staff members with mentoring, research support, training, and post-graduate networking. All Pomona students are welcome and encouraged to apply. They aren’t necessarily looking for the most pyrotechnic writers and speakers, but rather for students who have a developed sense of the revision process and a demonstrated ability to work with others as effective peer readers, listeners, and reviewers. They also have a few spots available for students particularly interested in visual rhetoric and communication in/with images. The application is here:

March newsletter

Post-bac opportunities 3-9-22

Summer opportunities 3-9-22

Professor Abrams


Latest summer and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Attached are the latest lists of opportunities I’ve compiled; the new listings can be found near the top of the file, starting with “Posted 2/7/22”.  I’ve also attached an additional file that I get sent periodically with compiled listings, so make sure to check out all of these files if interested.

Post-bac opportunities 2-7-22

Summer opportunities 2-7-22


Also, if any of you are come across opportunities that I haven’t found, please let me know so that I can share them with everyone!

Professor Abrams


Latest summer and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Attached are the latest lists of opportunities I’ve compiled; the new listings can be found near the top of the file, starting with “Posted 1/31/22”

Summer opportunities 1-31-22

Post-bac opportunities 1-31-22

Also, if you are thinking about a PhD in Linguistics, this summer workshop at the University of Michigan (see below) might be of interest: — Professor Abrams

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