Apply to be an LGCS liaison!

Hello all,

The faculty of the Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science welcome students to apply to be department liaisons for AY 2021-2022.  Liaison duties are listed below, as well as the application instructions. Liaisons who are eligible to work for the college will be paid $14.00/hour. Applications are due on Tuesday, May 18. Please direct any questions to Elizabeth Contreras ( 

What to do to apply? Send an email to the department at stating your interest in being a liaison. Please include a single paragraph explaining why you want to be a liaison, and why you think you will be a good liaison. Please include a second brief paragraph explaining your obligations and availability for next year (i.e. please explain how this role will fit into your portfolio of work).

Liaison duties typically include: 

  • Attend department fairs to talk about LGCS with incoming students
  • Help set up and tear down from events
  • Help organize the pre-registration LGCS Open House, and be available to discuss the major with potential majors at the event
  • Take newly declared majors to lunch at a dining hall, welcome them, answer questions, etc.
  • Liaise between faculty and students as needed (e.g. communicating a student grievance to the department faculty)
  • Create majors poster
  • Host monthly events whether they are study sessions or social gatherings

We received a few questions regarding the liaison time commitment, to clarify:
The position ranges from a 5-10 hour monthly commitment. The hours vary depending on needs (students requesting to meet with Liaisons, academic and social events, other projects as needed, etc.). The hours are therefore limited and not guaranteed. So it’s not a good option as a main wage-earning job, but we definitely recommend you apply if you wish to increase department connections and help us build a strong community, and get compensated for your time!

