Latest summer and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Attached are the latest lists of opportunities I’ve compiled; the new listings can be found near the top of the file, starting with “Posted 2/7/22”.  I’ve also attached an additional file that I get sent periodically with compiled listings, so make sure to check out all of these files if interested.

Post-bac opportunities 2-7-22

Summer opportunities 2-7-22


Also, if any of you are come across opportunities that I haven’t found, please let me know so that I can share them with everyone!

Professor Abrams


Latest summer and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Attached are the latest lists of opportunities I’ve compiled; the new listings can be found near the top of the file, starting with “Posted 1/31/22”

Summer opportunities 1-31-22

Post-bac opportunities 1-31-22

Also, if you are thinking about a PhD in Linguistics, this summer workshop at the University of Michigan (see below) might be of interest: — Professor Abrams

Continue reading “Latest summer and post-bac opportunities”

Summer research and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Are you wanting to do research or an internship this summer? Are you looking for research or lab manager jobs after graduating? If so, please check out the attached documents, which show the various opportunities that have come my way.  I will continue to update these documents as I hear about more things. – Professor Abrams

Also, if you are thinking about graduate school in psychology at some point in the future, the University of Chicago is having a webinar on Tuesday January 25th at 4Pm (CST), where they will provide advice on getting research experience in psychology, applying for RA positions, and the graduate application process.  Registration link is here (need to register by 1/21)

More detailed information about the webinar and some FAQ’s below. 

Continue reading “Summer research and post-bac opportunities”

Opportunities 10/5/21

For those of you who are new to the listserv, I periodically send out announcements about undergraduate research experiences, grad school info, and post-bac research or lab manager jobs. Attached are the new lists that I’ve started for this academic year – even if you aren’t looking for these things right now, check out the lists to get a sense of the kinds of opportunities that might interest you in the future.  And for those of you who found an opportunity via this listserv and got the position, please let me know so that I can celebrate your success!

Graduate Programs & UG Research Experience 10-5-21

Post-bac opportunities 10-5-21

Professor Abrams