
Long Term Analysis of Students in the Southern California Five County Region


Enrollments Growth, Public and Private

  1. Enrollment grew steadily until 2004-2005.
  2. Enrollment grew by more than a quarter from 1993-2005 and has since decreased to less than 20% growth.
  3. Private schools continue to be a minor component of education system in the region.
  4. Private school growth rates are negative, compared to 1993 enrollment numbers.
  5. Private school growth has not kept pace with growth in public school enrollments.

Enrollment grew steadily until 2004-2005.

  • Enrollment in the region peaked at 3.19 million in 2004-2005.
  • Enrollment has slowly, steadily decreased over the last decade, lowering to 3.03 million in 2014-2015.
  • Los Angeles County enrollment has decreased while enrollment in the surrounding four counties has increased.
California Department of Education,

Enrollment grew by more than a quarter from 1993-2005 and has since decreased to less than 20% growth.

  • The greatest cumulative increase in enrollment has been outside Los Angeles County.
  • Enrollment growth rates in Los Angeles Unified have steadily decreased since peaking in 2003-2004.
  • Enrollment growth rates outside Los Angeles County have stagnated around 35% since peaking at 36.5% in 2007-2008.
California Department of Education,

Private schools continue to be a minor component of education system in the region.

  • Less than 10% of all students are in private schools.
  • Private school enrollment has decreased since 1993.
California Department of Education,
California Department of Education,

Private schools growth rates are negative, compared to 1993 enrollment numbers.

  • Private school enrollment in Los Angeles County fell from 212,954 in 1993-1994 to 160,337 in 2013-2014.
  • Private school enrollment outside of Los Angeles County fell from 99,870 in 1993-1994 to 97,189 in 2013-2014.
California Department of Education,
California Department of Education,

Private school growth has not kept pace with growth in public school enrollments.

  • Implication: educational improvement must rely on public sector.
California Department of Education,
California Department of Education,

Enrollments and Ethnicity

  1. Enrollment in the region is predominantly Hispanic/Latino.
  2. State public school ethnicity trends are similar to the Los Angeles Region.

Enrollment in the region is predominantly Hispanic/Latino.

  • Hispanic/Latino enrollment has increased since 1993 by more than 600,000.
  • White enrollment has decreased by more than 200,000.
  • Asian/Pacific Islander enrollment has remained stagnant, peaking around 260,000 in 2005-2006.
  • African American enrollment increased from 1993-2003 and has steadily decreased by about 80,000 over the last decade.
California Department of Education,
California Department of Education,

State public school ethnicity trends are similar to the Los Angeles Region.

  • Hispanic/Latino enrollments surpassed White enrollments in 1996-1997.
California Department of Education,
California Department of Education,

Enrollments and Poverty

Report in progress.

Enrollments and Language

Report in progress.

Enrollments in Large and Small Districts and Schools

Report in progress.