August 1st, 2012
Note: asterisk (*) following a last name denotes an author who contributed to the published research as an undergraduate.
- Cabaniss, H.E., P.M. Gregg and E.B. Grosfils, The role of tectonic stress in triggering large silicic caldera eruptions, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 2018.
- Chiasera, B., T.O. Rooney, G. Girard, G. Yirgu, E. Grosfils, D. Ayelew, P. Mohr, J. Zimbelman, and M. Ramsey, Magmatically assisted off-rift extension, Geosphere, in press.
- Kerber, L., J.L. Dickson, J.W. Head, and E.B. Grosfils, Polygonal ridge networks on Mars: Diversity of morphologies and the special case of the Eastern Medusae Fossae Formation, Icarus, 281, 200-219, 2017.
- Gregg, P.M., E.B. Grosfils, and S.L. de Silva, Catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions II: The subordinate role of magma buoyancy as an eruption trigger, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 305, 100-113, 2015.
- Le Corvec, N.P., P.J. McGovern, E.B. Grosfils, and G. Galgana, Effects of crustal-scale mechanical layering on magma chamber failure and magma propagation within the Venusian lithosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets, 120, doi:10.1002/2015JE004814, 2015.
- McGovern, P.J., E.B. Grosfils, G.A. Galgana, J.K. Morgan, M.E. Rumpf, J.R. Smith, and J.R. Zimbelman, Lithospheric flexure and volcano basal boundary conditions: keys to the structural evolution of large volcanic edifices on the terrestrial planets. In Platz, T., M. Massironi, P.K. Byrne, and H. Heisinger (eds), Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System, Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 401, doi:10.1144/SP401.7, 2015.
- Rooney, T.O., I.D. Bastow, D. Keir, F. Mazzarini, E. Movsesian, E.B. Grosfils, J.R. Zimbelman, M.S. Ramsey, D. Ayalew, and G. Yirgu, The protracted development of focused magmatic intrusion during continental rifting, Tectonics, 33, 875-897, 2014.
- Gregg, P.M., S.L. de Silva, and E.B. Grosfils, Thermomechanics of shallow magma chamber pressurization: Implications for the assessment of ground deformation data at active volcanoes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 384, 100-108, 2013.
- Chestler*, S.R., and E.B. Grosfils, Using numerical modeling to explore the origin of intrusion patterns on Fernandina volcano, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 4565-4569, doi:10.1002/grl.50833, 2013.
- This paper presents thesis work performed with Ms. Chestler, and is a Spring 2014 CUR undergraduate research highlight (link).
- Galgana, G.A., E.B. Grosfils, and P.J. McGovern. Radial dike formation on Venus: Insights from models of uplift, flexure and magmatism. Icarus, 225, 538-547, 2013.
- Davey, S.C., R.E. Ernst, C. Samson, and E.B. Grosfils. Hierarchical clustering of pit crater chains on Venus, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50, 109-126, 2013.
- Gregg, P.M., S.L. de Silva, E.B. Grosfils, and J.P. Parmigiani, Catastrophic caldera-forming eruptions: Thermomechanics and implications for eruption triggering and maximum caldera dimensions on Earth, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 241-242, 1-12, 2012.
- Galgana, G.A., P.J. McGovern, and E.B. Grosfils, Evolution of large Venusian volcanoes: Insights from coupled models of lithospheric flexure and magma reservoir pressurization, Journal of Geophysical Research—Planets, 116, doi:10.1029/2010JE003654, 2011.
- This paper was selected by the journal Nature Geoscience as a Research Highlight in February of 2011.
- Grosfils, E.B., S.M. Long*, E.M. Venechuk*, D.M. Hurwitz*, J.W. Richards*, B. Kastl*, D.E. Drury*, and J. Hardin, Geologic map of the Ganiki Planitia quadrangle (V-14), Venus, U.S. Geological Survey Investigations Map 3121, scale 1:5,000,000, 1 sheet, includes pamphlet [], 2011.
- This map reflects several years’ worth of effort working with fifteen individual students, six of whom contributed at a level warranting co-authorship.
- The map was selected for inclusion in ESRI’s 2012 annual Map Book (v. 27), a publication that showcases what are considered to be some of the best, most creative practices in GIS map preparation worldwide. Available at Map Book v.27 (see pg. 73 for the V14 map).
- Richards*, J.W., J. Hardin, and E.B. Grosfils, Weighted model-based clustering for remote sensing image analysis, Computational Geosciences, 14, 125-136, 2010.
- This paper presents thesis work performed with Mr. Richards and his primary thesis advisor Prof. Hardin.
- Karaali, G., P.I. Choi, S.O. Sood, and E.B. Grosfils, Envisioning a quantitative studies center: A liberal arts perspective, Numeracy, 3, 1-18, 2010.
- Hurwitz*, D.M., S.M. Long*, E.B. Grosfils, The characteristics of magma reservoir failure beneath a volcanic edifice, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 188, 379-394, 2009.
- This paper reflects summer work with Ms. Hurwitz and Mr. Long, plus thesis collaboration with Ms. Hurwitz.
- Long*, S.M., and E.B. Grosfils, Modeling the effect of layered volcanic material on magma reservoir failure and associated deformation, with application to Long Valley caldera, California, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 186, 349-360, 2009.
- This paper presents an extended version of thesis work performed with Mr. Long, and was selected as an undergraduate research highlight by CUR (CUR Quarterly, 30(2), p. 48, 2009).
- Thomson*, B.J., E.B. Grosfils, B.J. Bussey, and P.D. Spudis, A new technique for estimating the thickness of mare basalts in Imbrium Basin, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, doi:10.1029/2009GL037600, 2009.
- This paper presents thesis work performed with Mr. Thomson.
- Grosfils, E.B., Magma reservoir failure on the terrestrial planets: Assessing the importance of gravitational loading in simple elastic models, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 166, 47-75, 2007.
- Kostama, V.-P., M.A. Ivanov, A.T. Polit*, T. Tormanen, E.B. Grosfils, J. Raitala, and G. Neukem, The topographic and morphologic characteristics of Reull Vallis, Mars: Implications for the history of the Reull Vallis fluvial system, Journal of Geophysical Research—Planets, 112, E11001, doi:10.1029/2006JE002848 (19 pgs), 2007.
- This paper incorporates thesis work performed with Ms. Polit.
- Schultz, R.A., J.M. Moore, E.B. Grosfils, K.L. Tanaka, and D. Mège, The Canyonlands model for planetary grabens: Revised physical basis and implications, in The Geology of Mars: Evidence from Earth-based Analogues, edited by M.G. Chapman and I.P. Skilling, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
- Reinen, L., E. Grosfils, R. Gaines, and R. Hazlett, Integrating research into a small geology department’s curriculum, CUR Quarterly (invited), 26, 109-114, 2006.
- Ernst, R.E., D.W. Desnoyers, J.W. Head, and E.B. Grosfils, Graben-fissure systems in Guinevere Planitia and Beta Regio (264-312E, 24-60N), Venus, and implications for regional stratigraphy and mantle plumes, Icarus, 164, 282-316, 2003.
- Grosfils, E.B., R.A. Schultz, and G. Kroeger, Geophysical exploration within northern Devils Lane graben, Canyonlands National Park, Utah: implications for sediment thickness and tectonic evolution, Journal of Structural Geology, 25, 455-467, 2003.
- Kortz*, K.M., E.B. Grosfils, and S.E.H. Sakimoto, Emplacement of long lava flows within a graben network in Radunitsa Labyrinthus, Carson quadrangle, Venus, Geophysical Research Letters, 30, 10.1029/2003GL017471, 2003.
- This paper presents thesis work performed with Ms. Kortz (Jager).
- Ernst, R.E., E.B. Grosfils, and D. Mege, Giant dike swarms: Earth, Venus and Mars, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 29, 489-534, 2001.
- Grosfils, E.B., J.C. Aubele, L.S. Crumpler, T.K.P. Gregg, and S.E.H. Sakimoto, Volcanism on Earth’s seafloor and Venus, in Environmental Effects on Volcanic Eruptions: From Deep Oceans to Deep Space, edited by J.R. Zimbelman, and T.K.P. Gregg, pp. 113-142, Plenum Publishing, New York, 2000.
- Grosfils, E.B., and J.W. Head, The timing of giant radiating dike swarm emplacement on Venus: Implications for resurfacing of the planet and its subsequent evolution, Journal of Geophysical Research—Planets, 101, 4645-4656, 1996.
- Ernst, R.E., J.W. Head, E. Parfitt, E.B. Grosfils, and L. Wilson, Giant radiating dyke swarms on Earth and Venus, Earth Science Reviews, 39, 1-58, 1995.
- Grosfils, E.B., and J.W. Head, Radiating dike swarms on Venus: Evidence for emplacement at zones of neutral buoyancy, Planetary and Space Science, 43, 1555-1560, 1995.
- Keddie, S.T., I. Antonenko, J.C. Aubele, J.D. Burt, L.S. Crumpler, M.S. Gilmore, and E.B. Grosfils, Volcanoes, in The Face of Venus, edited by L.E. Roth, and S.D. Wall, pp. 135, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington D.C., 1995.
- Grosfils, E.B., and J.W. Head, Emplacement of a radiating dike swarm in western Vinmara Planitia, Venus: Interpretation of the regional stress field orientation and subsurface magmatic configuration, Earth Moon Planets, 66, 153-171, 1994.
- Grosfils, E.B., and J.W. Head, The global distribution of giant radiating dike swarms on Venus: Implications for the global stress state, Geophysical Research Letters, 21, 701-704, 1994