— Students Present Summer Research at LPSC

March 25th, 2012
by Eric Grosfils

On Tuesday, March 20th, seven students culminated their summer research with Prof. Grosfils by giving a presentation at the 43rd annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, TX. The three attending students (Ben Murphy ’13, Gustavo Ruiz ’13, Kyle Metcalfe ’14) explained the team’s new insights into “Magma Reservoir Rupture Beneath a Venusian Edifice: When Does Lithospheric Flexure Become Significant?” to a variety of interested volcanologists and planetary scientists. The co-authors who couldn’t attend due to prior obligations (Shelley Chestler ’12, Julita Penido ’12 at Mt. Holyoke, Lorelei Curtin ’13, James Muller ’13) were well represented!  Then, to celebrate, the presenters joined other Sagehen alumni attending the conference for some conversation and reminiscing over refreshments: a pleasant conclusion to another ‘stellar’ student research project!

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