2021 Pacific Study Group Meeting

The 2021 PSG meeting will be held virtually on February 20, starting at 9:45am PST.  Copies of the papers are available here, along with brief video presentations by the authors.  The sessions will be primarily devoted to discussion.  The Zoom ID is  814 6801 2853.  If you plan to attend, please email Peter Thielke (peter.thielke@pomona.edu).



Alexandra Newton (UC-Riverside)

“Kant on Habit”


David Landy (San Francisco St.)

“Kant and Sellars on the Unity of Apperception”


 Jeffrey Wilson (Loyola Marymount)

“Representation, Motivation, and Feeling in Kant’s Account of the Archetype”


Andrew Werner (U Chicago)

“The Synthesis of Perceptions in Kant’s Third Analogy”