Input/Output Issue
The input file represents the network. It should be formatted as a space-delimited file, where each line contains the start node, destination node, and an optional edge weight. The test network. It is undirected and unweighted. The input file for…
Louvain-Performance: Weights of Nonexistent Edges
One of the tricky things about calculating performance is that it factors in nonexistent edges between vertices in different communities. The more of these edges exist, the higher the overall performance score, because they count as correctly-interpreted edges. That is, since the two…
Switch to Java
We recently switched from the C++ to the Java implementation of the Louvain method. Our main concern with the C++ implementation was how it handled serialization. With C++, we had to deal with the serialized version of the network to…
Code Implementation
Today, Christina, Jennifer, and I met to work together on implementing the metrics in the Louvain algorithm. Jennifer and I worked on the silhouette index. We began by discussing the psuedo code that I wrote up recently and identifying the…