CWIC-SoCal 2016 Talk

CWIC-SoCal 2016 Talk

Last weekend, we attended the Southern California Celebration of Women in Computing (CWIC-SoCal), in Ventura, CA. We had a great weekend meeting other women, attending panel discussions, and learning about current research in the field. We also had the opportunity…

Plans for Data Analysis: Ground Truth Graphs and Families of Graphs

Once we finish collecting our data, we plan to look at our data in two main ways. Group Truth Graphs: Three of our test graphs have data about the real communities of the network. Thus, we can see how accurately…

Code Implementation

Code Implementation

Today, Christina, Jennifer, and I met to work together on implementing the metrics in the Louvain algorithm. Jennifer and I worked on the silhouette index. We began by discussing the psuedo code that I wrote up recently and identifying the…

First Meeting 09/04/15

We had our first team meeting last Friday. After covering some logistics, we jumped into discussing some basics of what we will be researching. The main topic is community detection in complex networks. We are beginning with a broad question…