Current Members:
Anna Dowling (’17) – Community Analysis
Daniel To (’17) – Electrochemistry/Enzymology
Michael Ko (’18) – Electrochemistry/Enzymology
Sherwin Shabdar (’18) – Enzymology
Angela Ling (’19) – Electrochemistry/Enzymology
Erin Su (’19) – Community Analysis
Maxim Leshchinskiy (’19) – Enzymology
Sami Abujbarah (’19) – Microbiology
The lab – 2016
From left to right: Jerry Lee (Mobio ’16), Daniel To (Chem ’17), Eric Wuyi Li (Mobio ’16), E.J. Crane, Marlie Shelton (Bio ’16), Anna Dowling (Mobio ’17), Maxim Leshchinskiy (Undeclared ’18)
The lab – 2011
The lab – graduates 2011
- From left to right: Kyu Hyun (Kelvin) Lee, Danny Lawrence,
- Drexel Proctor, E.J. Crane, Johnson Trang
The lab – 2010
- From left to right, front: Karlo Lopez, Jane Xu, Laura Berman,
- Emily Brotman, Megan Warner; back , Danny Lawrence,
- Johnson Trang, Kyu Hyun (Kelvin) Lee, Scott Humbarger, E.J. Crane
The lab – 2009
- From left to right, front: Johnson Trang, Kyu Hyun (Kelvin) Lee,
- Stephanie Shusta, E.J. Crane; back: Sanna Herwald, Megan
- Warner, Raj Bhanvadia, Scott Humbarger, Sophia Crane
The lab – 2008
From left to right: Emily Knouf, Caroline Small, E.J. Crane,
Evan Hall, Vinita Lukose
Some Past Lab Members:
Karlo Lopez – Currently Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Cal State Bakersfield
Angela Beckon (’09) – Thesis Title: Characterization of a Novel Thermophile from the Salton Sea Mud Volcanoes
Raj Bhanvadia (’10) – Thesis Title: Characterization of NADH dependent polysulfide reductase (Npsr)
Ganesh Davendra (‘05) – M.D., Northwestern, 2011, Currently a cardiology resident at the University of California, San Francisco. Thesis Title:
Courtney Davis (’05) – Thesis Title: Currently at
Kathryn Davis (’00) – Salisbury University Lab
Dennis Harris (’02) – Salisbury University Lab – Ph.D. in biochemistry from University of Wisconsin, Madison
Sanna Herwald (’10) –
Charles Hummel (’06) – Currently in the MD/Ph.D. program at UCLA. Thesis Title:
Emily Knouf (’10) – Currently a graduate student in the Department of Microbiology, University of Wisconsin at Madison. Thesis Title:
Kyle Lancaster (’05) – Ph.D., CalTech, 2011, Currently a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell. Thesis Title:
Kyu Hyun (Kelvin) Lee (’11) – Currently in the Korean Army, will be attending graduate school at Cal Tech. Thesis Title:
Gina Lewin (’10) – Currently in Ph.D. pathology program at the University of Washington. Thesis Title:
Chantal Mayers (’00) – Salisbury University Lab
Michael Mullendore (’01) – Salisbury University Lab
Drexel Proctor (’11) – Currently in medical school at the University of Texas, Austin. Thesis title:
Vinita Lukose (’09) – Currently a graduate student in the Department of Chemistry, MIT. Thesis Title: Characterization of an NADH-dependent polysulfide reductase (Npsr) from Shewanella loihica PV-4
Andrew Sandstrom (’06)
Johnson Trang (’11) – Currently at Deloit and Touche. Thesis title:
Lynn Sanford (’09) – Thesis Title: Differentiation of polysulfide reductase from dimethyl sulfoxide reductase and formate dehydrogenase using protein sequence analysis
Stephani Shusta (’10, Harvey Mudd College) – Currently in graduate school in the Microbiology Department of UC Santa Barbra. Thesis Title: Characterization of a Thermophilic Bacterium from the Salton Sea Mud Volcanos
Caroline Small (’08) – Currently in Pharmacy School at . Thesis Title:
Megan Warner (’10) – Currently in the Department of Biology, MIT – Thesis Title: