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Lab Meeting 02/16 and Geo lectures 02/15 and 02/16

This Wednesday night at 8:15 pm (in Rose Hills Theater) and Thursday at 11:00 (same place) is the geology Woodford-Eckis lecture(s), given by Dr. John Grotzinger, is the Fletcher Jones Professor of Geology at the California Institute of Technology and also serves as the Project Scientist for JPL’s recently launched Mars Science Laboratory.
Some of you may know that I don’t hold out any hope for life on Mars due to its lack of nitrogen (we can talk about it at a lab meeting, but basically there’s essentially no nitrogen in rocks, so if it isn’t in the atmosphere it isn’t there – and Mars has almost no atmosphere and no nitrogen, so it’s hard to imagine life that we could recognize) but that doesn’t mean that there won’t evidence of past life on Mars.

Thursday night we’ll have lab meeting starting at somewhere between 6-6:30.  I’ll wait to see how many people can make it on that alternate night to see what the subject will be.

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