The 2019 FDG Game Educators’ Symposium (GESym) aims to gather and support game educators at Foundations of Digital Games. GESym is a full-day, non-archival workshop and we accept simple abstract submissions on a variety of topics (see the Call for Papers for more detail). Our workshop format is highly interactive and focuses on the exchange of practical solutions to big problems. We are also running a model assignment track to provide an ongoing repository of resources for game educators. We believe that everyone benefits by drawing together both game educators who may not typically attend FDG and game scholars at FDG who might not typically attend pedagogical development conferences.
The organizers of the GESym workshop at Foundation of Digital Games 2019 affirm FDG’s Statement of Values: a commitment to scholarly integrity, collegiality and professionalism, and inclusivity towards scholars of all backgrounds.
We are proud to announce that the following educators have been invited to give talks. Of course, every symposium attendee is welcome to participate actively and speak about their experiences.
- Ryan Bown, Suzanne Freyjadis, Mike Sellers, and Roger Alitzer. “The IGDA Building Blocks of a Video Game Curriculum”
- Joseph Alexander Brown. “The focused conversation model for activity-based learning of game rules”
- Ashley Brown, Gabriel Olson, and Ryan Bown. “Open Classroom: Teaching with Twitch”
- Kenneth Chen. “The Fallacies of MDA for Novice Designers”
- Julija Jeremic. “Social Consciousness in Game Education”
- Stephan Keller, Christian Gütl, Johanna Pirker, Bernadette Spieler. “Enhancing Computational Thinking: A Mobile Augmented Reality Game-Based Approach”