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The symposium’s structure is modeled on the successful CHI 2017 Workshop on Mixed-Initiative Creative Interfaces. Abstract presentations will be grouped into thematic areas (which may or may not line up with our three problem areas), each allocated a little over one hour of time. At the beginning of each session, brief (five minute) presentations will be given one after another by participants with accepted abstracts. Then, a group Q&A and panel discussion will take place. Throughout the talks and discussion, a facilitator will record major themes and use these as prompts.

After roughly half an hour of talks and discussion, participants will reorganize themselves into interest groups based on the topics that arose in the talks and discussion, and spend the remaining half hour imagining interventions or next steps to follow up on. At the end of each such block, each group will take three minutes to explain their interest area and conclusions (using a template format to encourage concise and limited responses); these will be collated by the facilitators along with participants’ contact information into a resource for future networking and collaboration.

Finally, 20-30 minutes at the end of the symposium would be reserved for a lightning presentation of the submitted model assignments. We also hope to reserve up to 10% of the day for looser discussions and informal networking.