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Ray to the Rescue!

Posted by: charlotte-chang | June 10, 2009 | 1 Comment |

Charlotte and Ray

Charlotte and Ray

Ray, a range ecologist at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), has kindly fixed up my trailer—he’s made it so that there is now running water (and heated water), and in general, he helped get it in working order! John, my advisor at the BLM, also did a bunch of work to get the trailer up and running.

I just did my dishes today (although I cooked an awful meal—so if anyone else wants to help me out, send me a few recipes…especially those where I can use zucchini, broccoli, carrots, and/or mushrooms), and I was able to clean up my counter top because I now have running water.

So thanks to Ray! You are awesome, and I look forward to future conversations and hopefully participating in some range assessments.

Filed under: Prairie

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A super easy way to prepare any veggies is to saute (sp?) or roast them. If you roast them (especially good for zucchini), just chop them up into similar sized peices, toss them with some salt, pepper, and olive oil (and any other spices you have around), and put them in the oven on a baking sheet for like 15-20min at like 375 degrees.

For mushrooms, saute with more seasoning (salt, pepper, etc) and a little butter (or olive oil) until they’re soft.

Any sauteed veggies are always good to mix with freshly cooked pasta. Chopped up broccoli is especially good to mix into Mac and Cheese.

Also, for the carrots, you can always shave them (with a peeler) into strips, and then make yourself a carrot cole-slaw type thing. Mix them with salad greens or any other veggies and dress them with either store-bought salad dressing or whatever you like.

If you like pasta. I’d suggest sauteeing veggies (like mushrooms/zucchini) until they’re soft, then pouring a can of pasta sauce on top and letting it simmer for a little, and then just mix it in with spaghetti/other kinds of pasta.

Sorry, I’m bored in lab. Hope these help!

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