So yesterday in my entry i mentioned “gull juju,” our term for things gulls ingest, bring back to the island, and regurgitate. I thought, because today is another relaxed day, that I would take a picture of some of the more startling items that are currently in our “gull juju archives” downstairs.
It’s a real statement about just how far-reaching human impacts are when items such as these can show up on the Farallones. Above, you can see, among other things, an Easter Egg with the candy still inside, pieces of someone’s cut up credit card, a harmonica, a pack of cigarettes, a toy car, vampire teeth, golf balls, and keys. The way we dispose of things really does make a difference, because it’s not hard for it, or the botulism I talked about earlier, to end up in a dump, and then all the way out here.