The Pomona group made three oral presentations and presented five posters.
Kristen Boysen’10 presented her senior thesis work with Karnovsky in the paper “Seasonal Changes in at-sea distribution of Xantus’s Murrelets and their prey near Santa Barbara Island’ for which she won Honorable mention for the Best Student Paper Award.
Zachary Brown’07 presented the paper, “Divergent diving behavior during long and short foraging trips in the little auk (Alle alle)” with co-author Karnovsky.
Derek Young’09 won the Best Student Poster Award for his poster “Interannual differences in the bimodal foraging strategy of the Little Auk (Alle alle)” which was based on senior thesis research with co-authors J. Gleichman’10 and Karnovsky.
Julia Gleichman’10 presented the poster, “Diving behavior of Wedge-Tailed Shearwaters” with co-author Karnovsky; this poster was based on her senior thesis results as well.
Elizabeth Ng’10 presented her senior thesis work with co-authors Amy Briggs’10 and Karnovsky in the poster, “Fish prey of Pygoscelis penguins in the Antarctic Peninsula Region.”
Nell Baldwin’10 presented the poster “Assessing foraging trip duration of little auks: pitfalls and plusses of PIT tags” with co-authors Zachary Brown’07, Derek Buchner’08, and Karnovsky.
Augie Lagemann’10 presented part of his senior thesis in the poster, “Comparison of at-sea numbers and distribution of Xantus’s Murrelets near Santa Barbara Island, California in 1976 and 2009” with co-author Karnovsky.
I chaired the session on the Behavioral Ecology of Seabirds and presented the paper, “In pursuit of plankton: the foraging behavior of Cassin’s auklets in the Gulf of the Farallones.” Co-authors of this paper included Eleanor Caves’11 and Charlotte Chang’10.
The meeting was attended by 250 seabird biologists from around the world. The research presented at the meeting was funded by grants to Karnovsky from the National Science Foundation, the Mellon Foundation and the Montrose Restoration Settlement Program.