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Posted by: nina-karnovsky | September 4, 2015 | 1 Comment |

The summer undergraduate research program (SURP) poster session was held yesterday and Jeffrey, Kyle, Leo, Mimi and Elika presented posters.

Jeffrey talks about whether nest success one year predicts nest success again.

Jeffrey talks about whether nest success one year predicts nest success again.


Leo talk about the impacts of El Nino on seabirds.

Kyle talks about the impacts of El Nino on seabirds.


Leo tells the story of the murre invasion on Gualala Point Island.

Leo tells the story of the murre invasion on Gualala Point Island.


Elika talks about vertebrate diversity in burned and unburned areas of the BFS.

Elika talks about vertebrate diversity in burned and unburned areas of the BFS.


Mimi discusses the ages of fish consumed by skuas.

Mimi discusses the ages of fish consumed by skuas.

Jeffrey presented his poster twice that day, the second time was at a dinner to thank donors who contributed to the SURP program.

Jeffrey gives a second presentation of his poster.

Jeffrey gives a second presentation of his poster.

Everyone did an OUTSTANDING job!


Filed under: Antarctic, Bernard Field Station, BFS, Congrats to Students, Sea Ranch

Responses -

Hi Dr. Karnovsky- What a delightful discovery I’ve made of your students’ research projects here at Sea Ranch. Sadly I missed this event. I’m very interested in learning more about your students’ projects and would love to invite them to share their information on our blog. Please feel free to contact me to discuss ideas that would work best for both you and your students.

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