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Archive for the 'Farallon Island' Category

The Wind and the Bull

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 19, 2009

Fish, Wind, and Lost Birds

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 18, 2009

Tubenoses, Upwelling, and Night Work

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 16, 2009

Murres Murres Murres

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 14, 2009

Epic Proportions

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 12, 2009

The Last Two Days

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 11, 2009

Shower Day!

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 9, 2009

Monday, Monday

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 8, 2009

An Introduction

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 7, 2009

I’m on a Boat!

Posted by: eleanor-caves on June 6, 2009