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THE Shop

Posted by: eleanor-caves | June 5, 2009 | 2 Comments |
 So, first the big news:  I AM LEAVING TOMORROW!  Apparently, a different whale watching captain, whose whale-watching tour was cancelled, wants to make a run out to the islands anyway, and so will be taking myself and one other intern (Jordan Casey, whom I met today, and who is really nice) out there tomorrow.  We will still be on board a whale watching boat, so we will still be getting the short boat ride. 

So, in order to prepare for leaving tomorrow, Jordan, my mom, and I had to do The Shop.  “What is The Shop?” you might ask.  It is buying groceries for eight people for two weeks–and it is NOT simple.  After receiving a five-page grocery list from the people on the island (some of the items very specific, for example Sherry Vinegar, NOT cooking Sherry), and a blank check from PRBO Conservation Science, we headed to the Safeway in Marin to do the shopping. 

Jordan, shopping for SEVEN heads of lettuce

Jordan, shopping for SEVEN heads of lettuce

After two and a half hours of grocery shopping (and a LOT of weird looks from people, to which my mom would always say, “yeah, these girls are HUNGRY.” har har) we had three carts.  The carts were brimming with everything from mascarpone cheese to twelve limes to ten pounds of oranges and (believe it or not) 32 bell peppers (eight red, twelve red, and twelve orange/yellow), totaling almost a thousand dollars worth of groceries.

Jordan with two of our carts

Jordan with two of our carts

After shopping, we went back to PRBO headquarters to pack all of the groceries into plastic tubs called Action Packers, which we will load on the boat tomorrow.  Then, the three of us intrepid shoppers, exhausted from shopping, went and had dinner at a restaurant along the Petaluma River.  All in all, a very unusual day.  

Our receipt was as tall as me!

Our receipt was as tall as me!

Today, I also spent some time at PRBO Headquarters–a really beautiful building.  Might report more on that later.  Tomorrow, I will be reporting from the island!  Wish me luck on the boat ride.

Filed under: Farallon Island
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Responses -

Woo First!!

Also impressive shopping, its always fun to see what weird looks people give you when you buy that much stuff.

Hey You!
I’m sooo glad you’re doing this. I think I might be doing a blog for my summer in Az as well. But it was definitely a nice break from finals studying to see what you’re up to. Anyways, hope it all keeps going well and I miss you tons and tons and tons.

By the way…UP was really good. 🙂

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