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From the Mudflats to the Mountains!

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | July 22, 2011 | No Comment |

This past spring an outstanding group of research students studied the otoliths of Antarctic fish in my lab.

Julia P, Corinne, Ali'11 (working on senior thesis), Molly and Anne-Claire panning for otoliths

Corinne, Molly, Julia G'10 (visiting Alum), and Amber

This summer some of these students are taking their talents into the field. Corinne is studying the distribution of juvenile dungenous crab in San Francisco Bay as part of an REU at SF State.

Corinne sampling in the mudflats of SF Bay

Amber is spending her summer in the Rocky Mountains at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory. She is studying the phenology of the dwarf larkspur, Delphinium nuttallianum.

Amber studying plant ecology in the Rocky Mountains

Filed under: Antarctic, Where are they now?

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