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Archive for the 'News' Category

Chicks are everywhere!

Posted by: krm12008 on July 2, 2010

And we are 4

Posted by: krm12008 on June 29, 2010

what’s your favorite band?

Posted by: krm12008 on June 27, 2010

This isn’t Bodega Bay

Posted by: krm12008 on June 25, 2010

PIGU diet watch!

Posted by: krm12008 on June 24, 2010

Busy Season

Posted by: krm12008 on June 22, 2010

this isn’t your everyday 9-5 job

Posted by: krm12008 on June 20, 2010

Boat Day!

Posted by: krm12008 on June 19, 2010

The lives and deaths of the WEGU

Posted by: krm12008 on June 18, 2010

getting the hang of things

Posted by: krm12008 on June 16, 2010