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The Sea Ranch Journey Begins!

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | May 27, 2015 | No Comment |

Leo is off to Sea Ranch to monitor the seabirds! We tested the scope and gathered warm clothes. Stay tuned for updates from the Sea Ranch crew.

Leo's first observations!

Leo’s first observations!

Filed under: Sea Ranch

All Present at Pomona Valley Audubon

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | May 22, 2015 | No Comment |

We were invited to share our bird related research at the Pomona Valley Audubon March meeting. So much fun to present our research to fellow bird enthusiasts! Birds of a feather…..


Mimi and Andrea Discuss Skua Diets


Nola Presents How Light Impacts Hutton’s Shearwaters


Maddi and Alexa Give Presentation on California Sage Scrub Birds


Molly Presents How Murrelets Divide Up Duties


Nicole Discusses Seabird Diving in California Current


Ramon Reveals Seabird Behavior at Sea Ranch


Filed under: Antarctic, Bernard Field Station, Channel Islands, Farallon Island, Fun, News, Sea Ranch, Senior Thesis

Pacific Seabird Group 2015!

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | May 22, 2015 | No Comment |

In February, we presented at the annual Pacific Seabird Group conference. While there we met Kristina’12 and alum Steve Hampton. Sagehens were well represented!

From left to right: Nicole’15, Mimi’15, (front), Nola’15, Kristina’12 (she attended two PSG meetings while she was a student in my lab and is now a seabird biologist with the Puffin Project in Maine), me, Steve Hampton (he is a Resource Economist who works in the  Office of Spill Prevention and Response of the California Dept of Fish and Wildlife), Andrea’16, Ramoncito’15, and Molly’15.

From left to right:
Nicole’15, Mimi’15, (front), Nola’15, Kristina’12 (she attended two PSG meetings while she was a student in my lab and is now a seabird biologist with the Puffin Project in Maine), me, Steve Hampton (he is a Resource Economist who works in the Office of Spill Prevention and Response of the California Dept of Fish and Wildlife), Andrea’16, Ramoncito’15, and Molly’15.


Ramoncito explaining his poster on cormorant foraging ecology


Nola sheds light on the impact of lights on Hutton’s shearwaters


Andrea and Mimi give the scoop on skua poop.


Molly and me at her poster on Scripps' murrelets

Molly and me at her poster on Scripps’ murrelets


Nicole delves into Cassin’s auklet diving habits.

A shout out to the PARENTS who attended the meeting! Thank you for your support! Nicole’s parents are pictured above and Mimi and her Mom are below.


Filed under: Channel Islands, Farallon Island, News, Sea Ranch, Senior Thesis


Posted by: nina-karnovsky | January 24, 2015 | No Comment |

We had a great time celebrating the end of the semester. Gibson, the parakeet, was in heaven with a roomful of bird lovers!

IMG_9100 IMG_9101 IMG_9112 IMG_9115 IMG_9116 IMG_9125 IMG_9127

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Where are they now? PART IX

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | December 16, 2014 | No Comment |

Kristina’12 who studied Cassin’s auklet diving behavior for her senior thesis, has continued to pursue her passion for birds and remote islands after she graduated. She spends her summers working with the Puffin Project on islands off the coast of Maine and lately has been studying passerines with the Biodiversity Research Institute.


Kristina with a warbler she caught in a mist net.

Kristina with a black and white warbler she caught in a mist net.

A Pomona Blue Blue-Jay and Kristina.

A Pomona Blue Blue-Jay and Kristina.



Filed under: Farallon Island, News, Senior Thesis, Where are they now?
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Brief Breakfast Reunion!

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | October 13, 2014 | No Comment |

Last Sunday Neha’14 came in from Costa Rica, Jamie’14 from La Jolla, Sophie’14 from Los Angeles, and local alums Rose’14, Nai’14, joined seniors Ramon’15 and Dakota’15 and Prof. Karnovsky for breakfast! It was so great to hear about explosive frog breeding events, catching and tagging sharks, writing about biodiversity, working for social justice, building ponds and infusing a sauna with local herbs, making documentary films and applying for international fellowships to do conservation work!

From left to right: Ramon, Nai, Dr. K. , Dakota, Neha, Rose, Sophie, Jamie.

From left to right: Ramon, Nai, Dr. K. , Dakota, Neha, Rose, Sophie, Jamie.



Filed under: Fun, News, Sea Ranch, Where are they now?

Presenting Seabird Summer Research Results!

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | September 13, 2014 | No Comment |

Last week students shared their summer research at the Pomona College Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Session. Nicole’15 shared her work creating computer programs to  analyze diving data in her poster, “Automating the Analysis of Cassin’s Auklet Diving Patterns Using Time-Depth Recorders and Python Programming.” Ramon’15 presented his poster on the study he carried out at Sea Ranch this summer, “The Bigger the Beak, The Faster You Seek: Foraging Time and Offspring Provisioning Among Pelagic Cormorants.”  Alumna Sophie’14 returned to present her findings on the expansion of Common Murres on Gualala Point Island in her poster, “Common Murres, Cormorants, and Citizen Science; Sharing Space on Gualala Point Island.”

Ramon focuses in on feeding rates

Ramon focuses in on feeding rates

Nicole gets deep into the detail of diving

Nicole gets deep into the details of diving

Sophie sells her poster on seabirds sharing space

Sophie says seabirds share space


Filed under: Farallon Island, News, Sea Ranch, Senior Thesis
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Where are they now? Part VIII

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | August 15, 2014 | No Comment |

Dakota’15 is spending her summer at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory in Colorado on an REU grant (Research Experience for Undergraduates).

Dakota on top of Mt Avery!

Dakota on top of Mt Avery!

Charlotte Dohrn’13  who wrote her senior thesis with me is following her passion for sustainable fisheries and is at the UW Fisheries Research Institute field camp on Lake Aleknagik, AK  helping to collect data on the run size and population structure of the sockeye salmon runs.  She writes, “We’ve been counting the salmon (alive, senesced, female, male, bear kill, etc.) in the streams, taking otoliths, seining for resident fish, and collecting bear hair samples for genetic analysis.”

Charlotte with adult male sockeye!

Charlotte with adult male sockeye!


Filed under: News, Senior Thesis, Where are they now?

An update from the lab

Posted by: nicole | July 31, 2014 | No Comment |
Ready to explain my project!

Ready to explain my project!

So starts my 6th week working on my programming project. I’m currently working on putting my programs together so that whole files of data can be analyzed automatically when imputed into the interface I’ll be designing later this summer. The challenge is finding patterns in the file that allow the program to understand when a set of data is starting and ending so that it can be analyzed but the correct other program.
Last week I took a break from programming to create and present a poster on my project at a HHMI conference at Harvey Mudd. It was great to see what other people around me are working on and to meet some of the other people on campus as well as see enthusiasm for my project!

Explaining the behavior of auklets to someone who also works with analyzing ecological data

Explaining the behavior of auklets to someone who also works with analyzing ecological data

Filed under: Farallon Island, News, Senior Thesis
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Where are they now? Part VII

Posted by: nina-karnovsky | July 17, 2014 | No Comment |

Here are a few more updates from recent grads. Nikki’13 who worked on the murrelet project counting zooplankton, spent the last year having all sorts of tropical wildlife adventures and is off to veterinary school in the fall! You can read about her amazing year here:

Nikki’s blog


Rose’14 was a student in my Aquatic Ecology class. She is working as a native plants landscaper and climbed Mt. Whitney this summer! ROSE2Before Jamie’14 went to Sea Ranch, he and Claire’14 visited Laura’14 in Alaska!

Class of '14, Jamie, Claire and Laura!

Class of ’14, Jamie, Claire and Laura!

Neha’14, who worked on the video analysis of nesting murrelets is studying red eyed tree frogs in Costa Rica! She is with Cassandra’14 who worked on the Antarctic otolith project. NehaFrog

Filed under: Antarctic, Channel Islands, Sea Ranch, Where are they now?

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