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Professor Hollis-Brusky is available for comment on issues pertaining to the Supreme Court, American politics, constitutional law (abortion politics, religious liberty, federalism, 2nd Amendment, campaign finance/Citizens United, executive power, marriage equality), the conservative legal movement, judicial selection and court reform. 


Select Print, Radio, Podcast and TV:

Interview with 5-4 Podcast. Reprinted in Balls and Strikes. “How the Federalist Society Conquered the American Legal System.” Feb. 13, 2024.

Featured author on Amicus podcast with Dahlia Litwhick. “Is the Federalist Society Over?” Nov. 18, 2023.

Featured in three-episode podcast from ProPublica/ On the Media, “We Don’t Talk About Leonard.” Andrea Bernstein, Andy Kroll, Ilya Marritz. October 13, 2023.

Featured in Showtime Docuseries “Deadlocked: How America Shaped the Supreme Court” by Dawn Porter. Episodes 2, 3, 4. Airdates 9/29/23, 10/6/23, 10/13/23.

Featured author on Strict Scrutiny podcast. “How the Federalist Society Took Over.” July 10, 2023.

Making Sense of the Supreme Court’s Historic Year.” The Monkey Cage Blog @ The Washington Post. December 28, 2022.

The Future of the Constitution and the Supreme Court.” Panel Discussion. Paidea & Red and Blue Exchange at University of Pennsylvania Law School. Moderator Brian Rosenwald. w/ Akhil Amar, Kate Shaw, Rogers Smith & Keith Whittington. November 30, 2022.

“Pass the Mic.” Sirius XM Radio program. Hosted by Corey Brettschneider. October 28, 2022.

Law and Politics in the Roberts Court.” Panel Discussion. Harvard Law School Series on The Supreme Court and American Democracy. Moderator Rena Daphnan. w/ Adam Liptak, Leah Litman, Janai Nelson & William Baude. Sep. 19, 2022.

The Future of Choice: Dobbs, Roe and Reproductive Freedom.” Panel Discussion. Center for American Politics at the Scrivener Institute, Korbel School of International Management. University of Denver. May 10, 2022.

Can Congress Resurrect Roe if It’s Overturned? Well, it could try.” The Monkey Cage Blog @ The Washington Post. May 4, 2022.

Did conservatives transform the Supreme Court?” Politics in Question Podcast w/ Julia Azari and Lee Drutman. February 24, 2022.

Biden said he won’t make an ‘ideological’ pick to the Supreme Court. Republicans do just that.” The Monkey Cage Blog @ The Washington Post. February 14, 2022.

Separate but Faithful featured in Margaret Talbot, “Amy Coney Barrett’s Long Game.” The New Yorker. February 7, 2022.

The Supreme Court might overturn Roe. It took decades of scorched-earth conservative politics to get here.” w/ Joshua C. Wilson. The Monkey Cage Blog @ The Washington Post. Dec. 2, 2021.

Featured in 538 & ABC News Short Documentary. “The Second Amendment Didn’t Protect Your Right to Own a Gun until 2008.” Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux, Michael Tabb, Anna Rothschild. Oct 28, 2021.

Interview w/ Michael Bluhm, The Signal on TX SB8. “Observe and Report.” Sep 15, 2021.

Panel discussion, “The Texas Abortion Ruling: What it means for rights beyond Texas’s borders.” Center for American Politics, University of Denver. Sep. 9, 2021

Testimony to the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. Aug. 3, 2021.

The Supreme Court just agreed to hear a Second Amendment case. That’s bad news for gun regulation advocates.” The Monkey Cage at The Washington Post. April 27, 2021.

The Federalist Society’s Ideas Have Consequences for Democracy.” Democracy Works Podcast. The MCourtney Institute for Democracy. May 3, 2021.

New Books Network Podcast. Interview w/ Susan Liebell. Separate But Faithful. February 22, 2021

BBC World News with Larry Madowo. Discussing nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Oct. 22, 2020.

“The Sudden Resurgence of the Conservative Legal Movement.” w/ Mary Ziegler. The Boston Globe. Oct. 18, 2020.

Featured in Podcast Deep Background with Noah Feldman, “Deep Bench: Winning.”  Five part series on the Federalist Society.

The history of the Federalist Society, now vetting Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court, and the outlook for reproductive rights.” UpFront. KPFA. September 23, 2020.

Testimony before the House Judiciary Committee, United States House of Representatives. “Maintaining Judicial Independence and the Rule of Law: The Causes and Consequences of Court Capture.” September 22, 2020.

The Supreme Court’s Culture Wars Whiplash is All in Your Head.” Newsweek Magazine. w/ Joshua C. Wilson. July 9, 2020.

Supreme Court may have Undermined its Guantanamo Decision guaranteeing Rights to Non Citizens.” Monkey Cage at The Washington Post. w/ Isaac Cui. June 30, 2020.

The Supreme Court Closed the Door on LGBTQ Discrimination. But it Opened a Window.” Monkey Cage at The Washington Post. June 16, 2020.

Week in Politics.” AirTalk w/ Larry Mantel. KPCC. June 8, 2020.

John Payton Lecture. “A Conversation with Eric Holder.” Moderator/host. Pomona College. February 15, 2020.

“Barr blames lawyers for undermining the president’s power. Actually, they helped build it.” Monkey Cage at The Washington Post. November 18, 2019.

“The Federalist Society Says It’s Not an Advocacy Group. These documents show otherwise.” Politico Magazine. August 31, 2019. (w/ Calvin TerBeek)

“The incredible influence of the Federalist Society, Explained.” Q&A w/ Vox. June 3, 2019.

Professor Hollis-Brusky featured in Washington Post’s documentary “Pathways to Power: The Conservative Movement Transforming America’s Courts.” May 21, 2019

“Conservatives Played the Long Game: Will They Benefit in the Long run?” Opinion. Los Angeles Times. October 6, 2018.

“After Trump taps textualist Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court, the confirmation fight ahead and potential impact on midterm elections.” Airtalk with Larry Mantel.  KPCC. July 10, 2018.

“How the Federalist Society Shapes the Supreme Court.” Press Play with Madeleine Brand. KCRW. July 9, 2018.

“What is the Federalist Society and How Does it Affect Supreme Court Picks.” All Things Considered with Mary Louise Kelly. NPR. June 28, 2018.

“How the Christian Right has Come to Love Trump.” Op Ed, Newsweek. Jun 29, 2017.

“The Future of the Christian Right.” Op Ed, CQ researcher27, 533-556. June 23, 2017. 

“Trump’s Values are abhorrent to the Federalist Society of conservative lawyers. That doesn’t stop them from helping him.” Q&A with Henry Farrell. The Monkey Cage at the Washington Post. May 17, 2017.

“Donald Trump Blames Liberal Judges for Thwarting him on Sanctuary Cities. He Should Blame Conservative Lawyers Instead.” Op Ed, The Monkey Cage at the Washington Post. May 1, 2017.

“What Christian Colleges Stand to Gain from Trump.” Op Ed, RealClear Politics. Feb. 10, 2017.

“Here are Two Ways that Breyer’s Wonky Opinion in Whole Woman’s Health Could Transform Abortion Politics.” Op ed, Monkey Cage at The Washington Post. July 3, 2016.

“Here’s why Originalism won’t be buried with Scalia.”  Op ed, Monkey Cage at The Washington Post. Feb 22, 2016.

“Justice Scalia’s Jurisprudential Legacy.” POTUSCast. Feb 17, 2016

Professor Hollis-Brusky Interviews Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor at Pomona College. October 22, 2015.


“The Pro Federalist.” James Piereson. Commentary Magazine (review of Ideas with Consequences). April 21, 2015.

Radio conversation on Ideas with Consequences. KPFA, “Letters and Politics” with Mitch Jeserich.  March 30, 2015.

“Constitutional Revolution,” John McGinnis. Wall Street Journal (review of Ideas with Consequences). March 26, 2015.

“The Irresistible Rise of the Federalist Society.” Andrew Buttaro. The Weekly Standard. (review of Ideas with Consequences). March 23, 2015.

“Booktalk” on Ideas with Consequences. ACSblog, the American Constitution Society blog. March 16, 2015.

Excerpt of Ideas with Consequences on SALON, “The Federalist Society to Fox News to the Supreme Court: The real story behind the conservative war on Obamacare.” March 5, 2015.

“Daring Dialogue” with Dean Miriam Feldblum of Pomona College on Ideas with Consequences. Posted March 4, 2015.


Radio conversation on Ideas with Consequences with Jeff Schectman of Napa Broadcasting, “The Federalist Society and the Conservative Counterrevolution.” March 4, 2015

Q&A with Nina Martin of ProPublica. “Behind Supreme Court’s Obamacare, A Secretive Society’s Hidden Hand.” ProPublica. March 3, 2015.

Podcast on Ideas with Consequences with John J Miller of National Review Online and Ricochet Magazine, Feb 3, 2015

“Why did you choose to write a book on the Federalist Society?” Promo spot for Ideas with Consequences: The Federalist Society and the Conservative Counterrevolution, Jan 2015


“Citizens United, five years later.” Appearance on AirTalk with Larry Mantel, KPCC (NPR LA), January 21, 2015.

“The Supreme Court’s Citizens United Decision Continues to Echo.” Op Ed, Los Angeles Times, January 8, 2015.

“Behind Korematsu v United States.” Oxford University Press Blog. December 18, 2014.

TV appearance on California Edition with Brad Pomerance, October  2014


“How the Supreme Court Justices ‘benchslapped’ each other in the Hobby Lobby Case.” Op Ed, The Monkey Cage, Washington Post, July 1, 2014.

“Hobby Lobby: A Minefield Masquerading as a Minimalist Ruling.” Op Ed, The Life of the Law, June 30, 2014.

“Wikipedia pops up in bibliographies, and even college curricula.” Larry Gordon. Los Angeles Times, June 15, 2014Feature in the LA Times  on my Intro American Politics Course and my Wikipedia Group Research project.

“Eight Pomona Professors Receive Wig Excellence in Teaching Award.” May 18, 2014.

“Instead of Forbidding Wikipedia, This Professor Has Students Work to Improve It.” April 16, 2014.  Pomona College Website Feature on my Intro American Wikipedia Assignment. 

“Supreme Court Round-Up,” Sarah Kranser and Emma Brillhart. Claremont Port Side. October 24, 2013.

“The Supreme Court and the Future of the Constitution” Pomona College Alumni Phonecast, Sept 16, 2013:

“Law at the Fault Lines,” Interview with KSPC about the Innaugural Conference of the Southern California Law and Social Science Forum, Feb 24, 2013

“Election Special,” Interview with KSPC about the potential impact of the Nov 2012 Elections on the Supreme Court