Links to Published Work
“Exhuming Brutus: Constitutional Rot & Cyclical Calls for Court Reform.” Missouri Law Review. 86 (2): 2021.
“In the ‘Mold of Justice Scalia’: The Causes and Consequences of the Trump Judiciary.” (w/ Celia Parry). The Forum. 19(1): 2021.
“Beyond the Torture Memos: How the Office of Legal Counsel Matters for Executive Branch Scholarship” (w/ Isaac Cui). Presidential Studies Quarterly. 51(4): 2021, 904-928.
“Higher Law: Can Christian Conservatives Transform Law Through Legal Education?”(with Joshua C. Wilson). Law and Society Review, 52(4) (2018).
“An Activist’s Court: Political Polarization and the Robert’s Court.” in Parchment Barriers: Political Polarization and the Limits of Constitutional Order. Kansas University Press (2018).
“Playing for the Rules: How and Why New Christian Right Public Interest Law Firms Invest in Secular Litigation.” (with Joshua C Wilson). Law and Policy 39(2) (2017).
“Lawyers for God & Neighbor: The Emergence of ‘Law as a Calling’ as a Mobilizing Frame for Christian Lawyers.” (with Joshua C Wilson) Law and Social Inquiry Vol 39(2): 416-448 (2014).
“An [Un]clear Conscience Clause: The Causes and Consequences of Statutory Ambiguity in State Contraceptive Mandates.” (with Rachel VanSickle-Ward, Pitzer College). Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Vol. 38, No. 4 (2013)
“It’s the Network: The Federalist Society as a Supplier of Intellectual Capital for the Supreme Court.” in Law, Politics, and Society, Vol 61: 137-178 (2013).
“Helping Ideas Have Consequences: Political and Intellectual Investment in the Unitary Executive Theory, 1981-2000.” Denver University Law Review, 89 (1) (2011).
“Support Structures and Constitutional Change: Teles, Southworth, and the Conservative Legal Movement.” Law and Social Inquiry 36 (2): 551-74 (2011).