Vajda, Alan (1997)
The Effects of Capture and Handling Stress upon Plasma Concentrations of Coricosterone and Testosterone in Free-living Rodents.
Bachelor of Arts, Pomona College, Biology.
Advisor: Gene Fowler.
No abstract provided – excerpt from the Introduction
In recognition of the variable consequences of capture-stress upon plasm steroid concentration in some vertebrates, the accurate analysis of hormonal data from free-living rodents requires an understanding of the effects of capture technique upon rodent stress physiology. The present investigation proposes to examine the effects of live-trapping upon plasma concentrations of corticosterone and testosterone in three species of free-living reproductively active, male rodents. The species to be investigated include the Pacific Kangaroo rat (Dipodomys agilis), the desert wood rat (Neotoma lepida), and the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). Blood samples from each species will be analyzed for a difference in circulating plasma concentrations of corticosterone and testosterone between samples taken from animals immediately upon capture (unstressed) and those collected in the morning following an evening of captivity within a trap (stressed).