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Saturday, September 15, marked the start of BFS volunteer workdays for the 2018-2019 academic year, after the summer hiatus. As usual for this time of year, the work for the day was trimming back those pesky cattails (Typha latifolia) that keep trying to take over pHake Lake. On Saturday, we specifically worked on clearing out the area around the boat landing.

Volunteers at work. BFS Director Marty Meyer points out areas to cut as Stacy Scibelli and Dean McHenry saw away. ©Nancy Hamlett.

The cattails spread via large rhizomes that essentially make floating peninsulas out into the lake. We try to get rid of as many rhizomes as we can.

Stacy Scibelli admires a fine cattail rhizome. ©Nancy Hamlett

The boat landing area was much improved!

The boat landing before (above) and after (below). ©Nancy Hamlett

Cattail removal will continue on our next workday, September 29, and likely the two Saturdays after that. Please join us if you can for some wet fun and free pizza!

You can see the workday schedule for this academic year at bfs.claremont.edu/volunteer.html.

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