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Category Archive for 'News'

Six New BFS Insects

We’ve recently added six new insect taxa to our BFS Invertebrate List – two bee flies, a shore fly, a butterfly, a cuckoo bee, and a wasp. Thanks to the folks who helped observe, photograph, and identify these insects, including Jonathan Wright, Hartmut Wisch, John Ascher, Joel Kits, Martin, Wayne Mathis, and the folks at […]

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Around and into the lake!

Last Saturday, October 6, was the second volunteer workday for the fall. Part of the volunteer crew worked on clearing the remainder of the trail around pHake Lake, while the rest of the crew worked on cattail removal. As you can see from these photos, the trail clearing crew was quite successful. The entire trail […]

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BFS Volunteer Days have resumed!

After a summer break, BFS Volunteer Days have now resumed. This year we will be holding volunteer workdays on the first and third Saturday of every month. The schedule is posted on our new BFS Volunteer webpage, and events will also be announced on our new BFS Facebook page. Our first volunteer workday of the […]

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Welcome our new BFS Director!

Please welcome our new BFS Director — Dr. Wallace (Marty) Meyer! Marty completed his Bachelor’s degree in Marine Biology at UC Santa Cruz and went on to obtain a Master’s degree in Biology at Humboldt State University and a PhD in Zoology at the University of Hawaii, where he studied the impact of invasive introduced land snails on […]

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Fire season

Fire season is now upon us. A wildfire – now dubbed the “Williams Fire” – broke out at about 2 pm today in the Los Angeles National Forext approximately 10 mi northeast of the BFS, and the smoke from the fire was very visible at the BFS this afternoon. By 9:00 pm tonight, the Williams […]

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Since our last update we’ve added fifteen new taxa to the BFS invertebrate list, including 1 katydid, 2 bugs, 2 beetles, 3 flies, 1 butterfly, 5 bees, and 1 wasp. As always, many thanks to everyone who’s helped observe, photograph, collect, and identify these inverts, including Ben Stapp, Jonathan Wright, Hartmut Wisch, John Ascher, David […]

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Soil solarization trial at the BFS

This past Saturday, volunteers set up a soil solarization trial at the BFS. The area to be solarized was cleared of rocks and vegetation and covered with clear plastic, which will be left in place for 2–3 months. The plastic will trap heat generated by solar radiation (the greenhouse effect), causing soil temperature to rise […]

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BFS Mammal list updated

The BFS Mammal List has been recently updated. In the last year, in addition to confirming that we still have the Western Harvest Mouse, we’ve added five new species to at the list – all bats: Tadarida brasiliensis (Mexican Free-tailed Bat) Eptesicus fuscus (Big Brown Bat) Lasionycteris noctivagans (Silver-haired Bat) Lasiurus cinereus (Hoary Bat) Myotis […]

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BFS featured in CMC Bio44 Video

Claremont McKenna College has just posted this terrific video highlighting work Keck Science Biology 44 students do at the BFS. Check it out!

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For a Few Thistles More

Although the BFS volunteers collected fistfuls of thistles last week, they didn’t quite get all the ones by the toad pond and southeast corner of the wake, so they went back this past Saturday for a few thistles more. We also collected some Italian Thistles that were in the vicinity. When we thought we had […]

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