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Category Archive for 'News'

Our hidden trail camera captures a Great Egret (Ardea alba) fishing off one of the islands in pHake Lake.

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We have a new addition to the BFS Bird List! On Sunday, October 25, a Sage Thrasher (Orescoptes montanus) was seen hopping down the road on the eastern side of pHake Lake (photo below). The Sage Thrasher is the smallest thrasher. It has a brownish-gray back, prominent dark streaking on white underparts, thin white wingbars, […]

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BFS Plant List Updated

The BFS plant list has been updated. The update includes taxonomic changes, additions and deletions of taxa, new photos and links to specimens at the Rancho Santa Ana and UC Riverside herbaria. As with all flora and fauna lists, expect additional modifications in the future. Some families need to be revisited and expanded or refined. […]

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Live BFS News on BFS Home Page

The BFS website now has an embedded feed from this blog, so new posts will now automatically appear on the BFS Home Page (www.bfs.claremont.edu).

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Fire Season Shots

Another fire week is upon us and it didn’t take long for breakouts near Fillmore and another in Norco.  The NOAA has now extended the time frame for triple digit temps and single digit humidities from Tuesday-Thursday to Tuesday-Sunday.  Surely more fires will be set in the next few days, hopefully not anywhere near BFS.   […]

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Trail cameras and tracking wildlife at BFS

I have previously posted various photographs by an inexpensive “trail cam” made by Wildview (one “bubba cam” and one “Xtreme 2”).   The Xtreme model replaced the earlier bubba cam.  The price of $80 remains the same, but one can disable the flash on the newer model.   These cameras operate on infrared heat sensing to activate […]

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BFS Bird Survey data now on eBird

Monthly bird survey records for the Bernard Field Station (2001-present) are now available on eBird! ‘eBird’ is an online checklist program launched in 2002 by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society. eBird is free and available to anyone, although to get the most out eBird’s features, you may want to register […]

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Worms and snails and butterflies, oh my! We now have a first draft of a BFS Invertebrate List available on the website. Many, many thanks to Prof. Jonathan Wright, BFS web intern Maya Nakamura, and Research Assistant Connor Smith for all their hard work in this massive undertaking. The list currently contains 169 taxa, including: […]

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New additions to BFS Lichen list

In April, Kerry Knudsen, Curator of Lichens for the UC Riverside Herbarium, came out to the BFS to conduct further study of some lichens he had previously observed. While he was there, he did some additional surveying, and as a result we’ve added ten more lichen species to our BFS Lichen List. The additions are: […]

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The lowly California ground squirrel, more closely related to the American prairie dog and woodchuck, not to tree squirrels. is admired at BFS. These mammals live in underground colonies, are quite social, stand upright when warning of predators, estivate during the rainy months and work like crazy to reproduce during a spring and early summer […]

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