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Category Archive for 'News'

With funds provided by Pomona College, we were able to purchase a weather station for the BFS, and it’s now installed in coastal sage scrub north of the lake, where it senses and reports basic weather data – temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind direction, and wind speed. The BFS weather station reports data to the Weather […]

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Until now, it has been difficult to explain how extensively the BFS is used. Past calculations were based on the total number of users but did not include the number of days the users came to the BFS or the number of hours they spent there. Following newly implemented protocols, we now require everyone to […]

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The Earth Day Events at the Bernard Field Station (BFS) were a huge success. I have received numerous calls and letters of thanks from the community. I intend to make this an annual event, so mark your calendars for next year. I want to thank everyone who volunteered and participated in this event. Below are […]

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Earth Day Events at the BFS!

On April 26, 2014, the BFS will host a variety of tours for the Claremont Community in celebration of Earth Day 2014. Everyone is invited. Please see the BFS Earth Day web page for details, including requirements and procedures. To reserve a space, please call the BFS Director, Wallace Meyer, at 909-398-1751. Don’t delay – […]

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Progress on Star Thistles and Plots

On the April 19 Workday, a terrific group of volunteers, including students from Citrus and Mt. San Antonio College as well as community members and Claremont Colleges faculty, worked on two projects – removing Maltese Star Thistles and sampling plants in the experimental plots in the burn area. The attack on Maltese Star Thistles (Centaurea […]

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It’s Star Thistle time again

Readers of this blog will known that one of our most problematic invasive weeds is the Maltese Star Thistle (Centaurea melitensis), also called Tocalote. Usually we devote May and June workdays to removing Maltese Star Thistles, but last September’s burn seems to have given the Maltese Star Thistles a fertilizer boost, and by early April […]

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On the March 15th workday, volunteers removed Sahara Mustard (Brassica tournefortii) from the Foothill Blvd parkway in front of the BFS and finished clearing the last bit of the trail around pHake Lake. The very nasty Sahara Mustard was first spotted at the BFS in March 2012. At that time, we removed every known plant, […]

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Winter storm cancels March 1 workday

Because of a major winter storm that will continue through Saturday, the March 1 volunteer workday is canceled. Although the storm is bringing much-needed rain, 50°F and pouring rain are not conducive to a workday! I’m sure the rain will encourage weeds to sprout, so we’ll have plenty to do in upcoming workdays!

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New vegetation is coming up in the that area burned last September in the Foothill Fire. Part of the burn area is in the east field, which was once cleared and was covered with a mixture of non-native grasses and recovering coastal sage scrub. A cursory look at this area gives the impression that a […]

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Racing Pigeon visits the BFS

Although Band-Tailed Pigeons (Patagioenas fasciata) are comman at the BFS, the familiar Rock Pigeon (Columba livia), which prefers a more urban environment, is only seen sporadically. So when one recently stopped to take a drink at the south shore of pHake Lake, I took the opportunity to photograph it for our photo database. It was […]

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