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Category Archive for 'Sightings'

Four egrets visit the lake

For the most part pHake Lake is too deep and steep-sided to be a permanent residence for wading birds, but herons and egrets do stop by fairly often. This past Thursday, four Great Egrets (Ardea alba) paid a visit.

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Delphiniums (blue)!

There once was a Dormouse who lived in a bed Of delphiniums (blue) and geraniums (red), And all the day long he’d a wonderful view Of geraniums (red) and delphiniums (blue). Well, the BFS doesn’t have any geraniums (or dormice), but we do have a wonderful view of delphiniums (blue), and they’re blooming right now. […]

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Furtive feline captured on film…

For the past several years, a Bobcat has occasionally been spotted at the BFS, and this spring, BFS users and neighbors have reported more Bobcat sightings and signs. Well, today the cat wandered into a yard that abuts the Field Station and was captured on film by Laura Kotovsky! Although Bobcats are notoriously secretive and […]

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An avian oddity

An avian oddity was recently spotted at the BFS — a pied leucistic California Towhee. Leucism is caused by a defect in melanin deposition. Some leucistic birds have uniformly reduced pigmentation all over their bodies and other — those with pied leucism — deposit melanin normally in some feathers, but not in others, causing white […]

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