The proliferation of digital trail or scouting cameras now makes remote photography an affordable tool for wildlife research. Primarily serving hunters, this cottage industry offers choices from $70 to $500 depending on image quality, speed, video capability, standard or infared flashes and ruggedness. BFS seems like such a logical place, given its size and boundaries, […]
Tag Archive 'photography'
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Recent Posts
- Modified BFS activities due to COVID-19 response
- Scenes from cattail cutting – weeks 1 & 2
- BFS volunteer workdays – looking back and moving forward
- California Invasive Species Action Week! Green Crew helps out at the BFS!
- Parkway flowers nurture both passersby and native insects
- More Sahara Mustard photos
- Two nasty mustards get the heave-ho
- Fall volunteer days have a BIG finale!
Ailanthus altissima Amsinckia Ardea alba bees beetles birds bobcat Brassica tournefortii Broad-leaved Cattail bugs Bull Thistle Butterflies Carduus pycnocephalus Centaurea melitensis Cirsium vulgare coyote fire flies grass Great Egret insects invertebrates Italian Thistle Lynx rufus Maltese Star Thistle mustard Naked-stemmed Bulrush Nicotiana glauca Penstemon spectabilis pHake Lake plants raccoon Sahara Mustard Schoenoplectus sp. seasons spiders toad Tocalote Tree of Heaven Tree Tobacco Typha latifolia volunteers wading birds wasps wildflowersContributors