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We have new BFS Use Request Forms and Form Processing! Although much has changed on the computing side, what you the users see and do is nearly identical to the old forms, so the transition should go smoothly. You will notice a few new features:

  • If you click on the Calendar symbol next to the start and end dates, you can select a date from the calendar, just like when you make an airline reservation.
  • The default date is the current date, so you don’t need to scroll through a list of years to get to the here and now.
  • The map of the BFS is now clickable – you can select what areas you will use either by checking the boxes or clicking on the map.
  • You will have to do a simple (e.g., 2 + 2 = ?) math problem before you submit the form. This little problem will prevent robots from filling out the form, as happened once in the past.

Many, many thanks to Jason Smith, Pomona College Instructional Technologist, for heroic programming to make this all happen, as well as to BFS Web Intern Alan Chatham, who wrote several of the subprograms. Both Jason and Alan were supported by a Pomona College Hahn “Teaching with Technology” grant.

If you do have any problems submitting your use requests, please e-mail me at Nancy.Hamlett@Pomona.edu, and I’ll try to help you out.

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