Feed on

Do you want to be sure you’re up to date on the latest posts on the BFS News Blog?

We do have headline links on the BFS Home page (bfs.claremont.edu), but I add those links manually, so if I’m busy or I don’t know a post has been made, you may not see the latest entry on the BFS Home page.

Fortunately, there’s a way to easily keep abreast of the BFS News by using RSS (Rich Site Summary). There are several ways to use RSS, but if you use the Mozilla Firefox browser, you can easily set up what I think is the handiest way to track BFS Blog updates. Here’s what you do:

  1. Go the BFS News Blog – https://research.pomona.edu/bfs/

  2. Look in the window at the top of the page that shows the URL (i.e., https://research.pomona.edu/bfs/). In the right of the window you should see the RSS icon — a square with rounded corners and concentric arcs centered on the lower left corner. It looks like this:

  3. Click on that icon! You will get a page that shows the headlines and first few sentences for recent posts. At the top you will see the RSS icon again and “Subscribe to this feed using Live Bookmarks”. Click the “Subscribe Now” button just below that.

  4. You’ll get a window that says:
    Name: News from the Bernard Field Station
    Create in: Bookmarks Menu

    Change “Name” to something short like “BFS News” or BFS Blog”
    Change “Create in” to “Bookmarks Toolbar”
    Click “Add”

  5. Voila! You now have “BFS News” (or whatever name you chose) in the menu across the top of your browser page, and if you click on “BFS News” you’ll see the headlines for all the recent posts and you can easily tell if there’s one you haven’t read.

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