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Category Archive for 'News'

BFS Invert list updated

We’ve recently updated the BFS invertebrate list, and I’m afraid that our blog posts have not kept pace with our new invert finds. Altogether since our last invert blog update, we’ve added an additional 57 taxa, including 3 spiders, 1 silverfish, 1 dragonfly, 2 grasshoppers, 6 bugs, 10 beetles, 10 flies, 5 moths, 3 butterflies, […]

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A Fistful of Thistles

In our third week of Star-thistle Wars, the BFS volunteers focused on an infestation around the ‘new’ toad pond and the areas along the trails and fire roads just southeast of pHake Lake.   We removed nearly all the star-thistles in this area, and the haul made quite a mound!

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STAR-thistle WARS

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…. Oops! Wrong STAR WARS. Right now, in this very galaxy, on this very planet, right here at the Bernard Field Station, the valiant BFFs of the BFS battle are battling alien invaders in the STAR-thistle WARS. The alien invader is the Maltese Star-Thistle (Centaurea melitensis) […]

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If you have a few minutes, check out the BFS exhibit now on display in the Honnold Library (just inside the main north entrance). The exhibit, which is guest-curated by BFS Interim Manager Jennifer Gee, Rancho Santa Ana Herbarium Workroom Manager Erika Gardner, and students Claire Pershan (Pomona ’15) and Zoe Jacob (Scripps ’15), will […]

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This past Saturday BFS volunteers mounted an assault on Italian Thistles (Carduus pycnocephelus) at what we think is the site of the original infestation – the top mound of dirt that with the ‘old toad pond’. This is what it looked like before we started: And here’s what it looked like after we finished: In […]

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BFS plant list updated

We have just finished a major update to the BFS Plant List. Nomenclature has been updated to conform to The Jepson Manual, 2nd ed., CalPhotos links will now bring up photos of both the old and new names, links to herbarium specimen data have been updated, and BFS photo links now point to the BFS […]

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A beautiful day for volunteering

“The destroyer of weeds, thistles, and thorns is a benefactor whether he soweth grain or not. —Robert Green Ingersoll Nine BFS volunteer benefactors devoted part of a beautiful April day to destroying weeds, thistle, and thorns at the BFS this past Saturday. Once again our primary targets were Italian Thistles (Carduus pycnocephalus). Plants that were […]

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Two new BFS plants

Two new plants have recently been discovered at the BFS. Many thanks to Leroy Gross and Erika Gardner of the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden for identifying the plants and making voucher specimens. Gilia angelensis A patch of Gilia angelensis (Chaparral Gilia) is flowering in a grassy area along the path by the Foothill Blvd […]

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Update: On March 11, the valiant BFS Volunteers removed every known Sahara Mustard plant on the BFS. Way to go, Volunteers! The very nasty Sahara Mustard (Brassica tournefortii) has just appeared at the BFS in two small infestations along Foothill Blvd. near the BFS entrance and the near College Avenue. The Sahara Mustard, a native […]

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Thistles and trails

On our last two BFS Volunteer Days, we’ve continued our attacks on Italian and Bull Thistles as well as doing some trail maintenance. On February 18, ten valiant volunteers pulled up 22 bags of Italian Thistles (Carduus pycnocephalus) from the mound with the “old” toad pond. Although we pulled a lot of thistles, more still […]

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