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Category Archive for 'News'

The proliferation of digital trail or scouting cameras now makes remote photography an affordable tool for wildlife research.  Primarily serving hunters, this cottage industry offers choices from $70 to $500 depending on image quality, speed, video capability, standard or infared flashes and ruggedness.  BFS seems like such a logical place, given its size and boundaries, […]

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Right now our BFS resident mother bobcat is out frequently with her cubs. If you’re working at the BFS this summer, there is some probability that you will encounter the bobcat — I’ve seen an adult bobcat three times in the past week! Because some of the trails are narrow with high brush on either […]

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Do you want to be sure you’re up to date on the latest posts on the BFS News Blog? We do have headline links on the BFS Home page (bfs.claremont.edu), but I add those links manually, so if I’m busy or I don’t know a post has been made, you may not see the latest […]

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Well, I hope you haven’t completely overdosed on bobcat pictures because here are some more! First, Manager Stephen Dreher has deployed a couple of digital scouting cameras, and one captured the mother bobcat with her cubs on the trail that cuts across from the entrance road to the south side of the lake. In the […]

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More Bobcat photos!

Today I photographed this Bobcat walking along the path on the west side of pHake Lake. As I was standing at the boat landing, I had spotted it walking east to west through the clear area on the south side, so I was able to hurry up the path on the west side and position […]

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Photos of mother bobcat!

Mother Bobcat looking for squirrels Tuesday, June 23. Photos by Stephen Dreher:

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Bobcat cubs!

BFS Manager Stephen Dreher reports the following: We’ve had an extraordinary event at the BFS (or what I also like to call the Claremont Colleges living natural history research center). First, a little background. For the past two or three years a bobcat has made its presence known to many, not only at BFS, but […]

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Big babies (birds, that is)

Some of this year’s bird chicks are now fledging, and around the BFS you can see a number of these ‘big babies’, which are adult size (or nearly), but still want their parents to feed them. Here are two recently spotted calling “Mom, Mom!” (or maybe “Dad, Dad!”):

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BFS Bird List updated

Our annual update to the BFS Bird List been completed. Many thanks to our BFS Web Intern Maya Nakamura for doing the update! Here is a summary of the revisions: All links have been checked and updated as needed. There are a few taxonomic changes: California Quail (Callipepla californica): Formerly in Phasianidae, Callipepla is now […]

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Our annual update to the BFS Reptile & Amphibians page has been completed. Many thanks to our BFS Web Intern Maya Nakamura for doing the update! The revisions this year were minimal. Note: Additional corrections made 10 June 2009. Many thanks to Marion Preest for spotting the errors! All links have been checked and corrected […]

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