Talk: “Language, Attention and Cognitive Control: Insights from Electrophysiology” 9/16, 11 AM

Talk: “Language, Attention and Cognitive Control: Insights from Electrophysiology” by Dr. Megan Boudewyn, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Friday, 9/16/22, 11:00 AM, Edmunds 114. Lunch to follow!

Abstract: “Human language is an extraordinary cognitive capacity that is supported, in part, by “other” cognitive functions like attention and cognitive control. In this talk I will focus on research examining how changes in attentional state and cognitive control engagement impact language comprehension. For example, attention lapses, or momentary shifts of attention away from the task at hand, are a ubiquitous feature of human cognition, but such lapses have consequences for comprehension. I will discuss a set of studies in which electrophysiology (EEG) is used to track the influence of attentional state on language comprehension, as well as recent work investigating how the language system engages cognitive control functions during comprehension.

LGCS Open House

Join us for our Open House Thursday, 11/11 at 4:30pm! This will be a great time to connect with the LGCS department including faculty and liaisons! Refreshments will be provided as we discuss SP22 courses and the majors. Take a look at the SP22 courses and what requirements they fulfill on our FAQ Site. Feel free to reach out with questions!

Underclassment Craft Event!

Hi all!

First years and sophomores considering Linguistics and/or Cognitive Science are invited to come Craft, Chill and Chat this next Tuesday Oct 5 @ 4:30 PM at Marston Quad near Big Bridges! Get to know your classmates and ask your liaisons any questions you may have. There will be supplies to collage and draw but feel free to bring any personal creations. There will be snacks! Picnic blankets encouraged.

Let me know if you have any questions!

See you all there,
LGCS Liaison
Pomona ’24