More Grad Programs

Hi all,

I’ve updated the document I sent last month with some new opportunities for graduate study (see attached – Graduate Programs 10-16-20, the new opportunities are on pages 1-6).  Linguistics and cognitive science majors have a lot of skills that would be attractive to these diverse programs.

Hope your semester is going well so far!

Professor Abrams

Grad programs and post-bac opportunities

Hi all,

Tis the season for applying to graduate school, and for those of you who are either thinking about it or are doing it, I thought I’d share some announcements from relevant programs that are seeking students. These are by no means a comprehensive list (just some that have specifically advertised on listservs to which I am subscribed), but they will give you a flavor for a few different programs.

For those of you who have graduated and are looking for post-bac research or lab manager jobs, I’ve heard about a few of those as well and am attaching them here. More will likely be forthcoming in the new year, so stay tuned.

Hope you find these useful, and hope you are having a great semester so far!

Professor Abrams

Post-Bac Opportunities 3/25/20

Hi all,

I hope you are settling into your new locations and new routines.  Lots of adjustment for all of us, that’s for sure.

For those of you graduating and still looking for jobs, some more post-bac opportunities have come to my attention (download PDF). A fun aside: Arielle Borovsky, who is advertising one of these positions, was an undergraduate who worked with me many years ago, and I supervised her senior thesis.

Also, below are a few miscellaneous things that may be of interest to some of you: Continue reading “Post-Bac Opportunities 3/25/20”